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Key Epilepsy Ireland Advocacy campaign featured in NAI pre-budget submission

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Our ongoing campaign around access for Free Travel for people with epilepsy has been featured in the Neurological Alliance of Ireland’s 2022 pre-budget submission.

We believe our ask is extremely logical and simple given the unique challenges with travel that people with epilepsy can face due to the nature of their condition.

Our ask around Free Travel is included as follows:

Epilepsy Ireland’s Training for Success recruiting students for the 21/22 academic year

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For the 23rd year, Epilepsy Ireland are currently enrolling students for their renowned Training for Success course in IT Sligo.

This QQI Level 5 course is specifically targeted at people with epilepsy whose educational or social development may have been impacted by their condition which in turn has affected their ability to gain employment or pursue further education.

Epilepsy Ireland & OACS Ireland urge Minister to act immediately on Sodium Valproate commitments.

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Alongside our colleagues in OACS Ireland, we have written to the Minister for Health regarding the lack of progress on the key issues which we have been campaigning on in relation to Sodium Valproate (Epilim).

In our correspondence to the Minister, we have identified three issues which must be urgently addressed and which require a renewed focus on by the Minister & his Department officials. These are as follows:

Procurement Leaders launch #LousRelay

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In memory of their late colleague Louise Young, our corporate partners in Procurement Leaders will this weekend take part in the inaugural #LousRelay.

Louise Young was a young Wexford woman who sadly passed away at the beginning of this year. She was a person with epilepsy and a dedicated media & fundraising volunteer for Epilepsy Ireland.

#WorldBrainDay - NAI launch report on Embracing Digital Solutions for Neurological Care

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To mark World Brain Day today, our colleagues in the Neurological Alliance of Ireland (NAI) have launched a report on online service provision since COVID-19.

The report is entitled "Looking Beyond COVID-19: Embracing Digital Solutions for Neurological Care" and documents how neurological services - in terms of both healthcare professionals and patient organisations has adapted since the onset of the pandemic. 

Staying safe in the sun!

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It certainly appears that Summer is here which is great to see after what has been a difficult first half of the year for so many. However, with Met Éireann issuing a yellow warning for high temperatures for the rest of the week, we wanted to remind people with epilepsy and their families of a few tips to bear in mind during this period of wonderful weather. Extremes of heat can trigger seizures in for some people with epilepsy so these bear these tips in mind while enjoying the sunshine! support Epilepsy Ireland with new member benefit!

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We are delighted to formally announce details of a new member benefit which will be extended to all existing membership packages and to all new members joining Epilepsy Ireland.

We are offering this new benefit with the fantastic support of are market leaders in sourcing the best mortgage protection, life insurance, serious illness cover and income protection for their customers.

Sodium Valproate (Epilim) Inquiry delay raised in the Dáil.

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In the Dáil last week, Deputy Marian Harkin raised the ongoing delays surrounding details of the promised inquiry into the historical licensing and prescribing of Sodium Valproate (Epilim) in Ireland. 

The Minister for Health, Deputy Stephen Donnelly confirmed in November 2020 that such an inquiry would be established after years of campaigning by OACS Ireland and Epilepsy Ireland. Unfortunately, there has been little detail ever since on the proposed inquiry.