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Sodium Valproate (Epilim) Inquiry delays raised in the Dáil

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In the Dáil last week, Deputy Rose Conway-Walsh raised the ongoing delays surrounding details of the promised inquiry into the historical licensing and prescribing of Sodium Valproate (Epilim) in Ireland. 

The Minister for Health, Deputy Stephen Donnelly confirmed in November 2020 that such an inquiry would be established after years of campaigning by OACS Ireland and Epilepsy Ireland. Unfortunately, there has been little detail ever since on the proposed inquiry.

Dublin Bay South Bye-Election - can you #AdvocateForEpilepsy?

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With the Dublin Bay South bye-election officially set for July 8th, Epilepsy Ireland have contacted the candidates from each of the main political parties asking that they outline their support for addressing a number of key issues that are impacting on people with epilepsy within the constituency and indeed, across the country.

We recently highlighted these issues with all TDs and Senators as part of our recent National Epilepsy Week campaign.

New study posts positive findings on long-term efficacy of CBD in refractory epilepsies

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A new study recently published in leading epilepsy medical journal, Epilepsia, has reported positive findings on the long-term efficacy of CBD in refractory epilepsies.

The study investigated the use of CBD-based medication Epidyolex in 54 patients with refractory epilepsy in a US hospital over a period of up to 5 years.

Access to Free Travel for people with epilepsy raised in the Seanad

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Earlier today in Seanad Éireann, Senator Erin McGreehan raised the issue around access to free travel for people with epilepsy. 

This is a longstanding issue facing many people with epilepsy across Ireland and something we focussed on during our recent National Epilepsy Week campaign.

Dravet Syndrome Ireland

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A new charity has been established to support parents and families affected by Dravet Syndrome and other severe genetic epilepsies.

National Epilepsy Week 2021

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National Epilepsy Week takes place next week and for the week, we will be highlighting key advocacy issues which are facing people with epilepsy and their families.