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Tips for Staying Safe in the Sun!

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There is set to be some fantastic weather in Ireland this week, but there a few things for people with epilepsy to be conscious of.

Today is Dravet Syndrome Awareness Day!

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Today is Dravet Syndrome awareness day. While epilepsy is not rare, there are rare subsets of the condition. Dravet Syndrome is one such type of rare epilepsy.

Dravet Syndrome (DS) is a severe type of epilepsy characterised by often prolonged (5+ minute) seizures that usually begin in the first year of life. It affects one in 20,000 – 40,000 people worldwide. It is a genetic condition, often caused by SCN1A gene mutations, most of which are de novo.

'Patients Deserve Better' to brief TDs & Senators this week.

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The Patients Deserve Better campaign is set to brief TDs and Senators in Dáil Eireann this week to press the need for investment in Ireland’s neurology nurse specialist capacity.

The campaign has been running since last year and is being coordinated by our colleagues in the Neurological Alliance of Ireland.

Ireland currently has a shortfall of 100 neurology nurses and the campaign is seeking to press Government and policymakers to address this shortfall.