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Research Request - New EU project wants to learn more about your experiences of employment and education

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People shaking hands at job interview.

A new European wide project is seeking to learn more about the experiences of people with epilepsy in education and employment.

The project is called EpilepsyPOWER and with the information gathered as part of their research, it is aiming to develop tools and training for businesses and higher education institutions to help them better support the inclusion of people with epilepsy.

While there have been improvements in these areas as a whole in recent years, we know that there can still be barriers to employment/education for many people with epilepsy and it is important that all experiences are captured as part of this research.

The EpilepsyPOWER team are keen to capture the experiences of people with epilepsy in Ireland and are seeking feedback of your experiences via an anonymous survey.

If you would like to assist this important study, you can do so by completing their survey by visiting the ‘Surveymonkey’ website.

A separate survey is also available specifically for employees of Higher Educational Institutions which can also be found by visiting the ‘Surveymonkey’ website.

Thank you in advance for completing this important survey. We look forward to learning more about this research as it progresses. If you would like to learn more about the project, you can do so by visiting the ‘EpilepsyPOWER’ website.