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Minister speaks on Free Travel changes

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Following the budget announcement to extend the Free Travel scheme, see what Minister Heather Humphreys had to say on the changes in the Dáil and the Seanad.

Free Travel Budget Commitment welcomed in the Seanad

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Following the welcome news that changes to the Free Travel scheme will be made as part of Budget 24 - following a long-fought campaign by Epilepsy Ireland - the changes were welcomed by several Senators during the order of business yesterday.

You can watch the contributions and comments of Senators Martin Conway, Erin McGreehan, and Lisa Chambers in the video below:

New developments on EI’s Free Travel campaign

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Epilepsy Ireland recently met again with the Minister for Social Protection and her officials regarding our proposals to improve access to the Free Travel scheme for people with epilepsy.

Research Request: Northampton University Study wants to learn more about the anomalous experiences of people with epilepsy

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A new study being conducted by Northampton University wants your help with their new research.

The study is trying to understand more about the anomalous experiences of people with epilepsy. In previous studies on this issue, some people with epilepsy have reported experiencing déjá-vu, hallucinations, out of body experiences, the sense of a spiritual presence - amongst other unusual or irregular experiences that  they associate with their epilepsy/seizures.

HPRA Communication issued on paternal exposure to Valproate

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Further to our recent updates regarding a European review of data on the potential risk of neurodevelopmental disorders in children conceived by fathers who are taking Sodium Valproate, we can confirm a ‘Dear Healthcare Professional’  communication has been issued by the Health Products Regulatory Authority (HPRA) to clinicians across Ireland regarding this ongoing review.