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Psychological distress due to Pandemic more prevalent in people with epilepsy according to Chinese study

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A new study recently featured in renowned epilepsy medical journal - Epilepsia - has found that psychological distress owing to the COVID19 pandemic is much more prevalent in people with epilepsy.

The study was undertaken in Southwest China during the height of the COVID19 pandemic in the region and compared the psychological distress between 252 people with epilepsy and those who were not living with any condition.

National Epilepsy Week - #MoreThanSeizures

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National Epilepsy Week took place between 18th -24th May and saw Epilepsy Ireland team up with UK Epilepsy organisations to explore the theme of #MoreThanSeizures.

The theme was decided on by all organisations and aimed to explore the many "hidden" aspects of epilepsy as a condition. Throughout the week, we heard first hand testimony on how epilepsy is so much #MoreThanSeizures. 

HPRA Drug Safety Newsletter highlights risks of Sodium Valproate

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In the latest edition of their Drug Safety Newsletter, the Health Products Regulatory Authority (HPRA) have reminded healthcare professionals on their roles & responsibilities when it comes to prescribing & dispensing the epilepsy drug sodium valproate (Epilim). 

Study suggests repeat epilepsy surgery likely to be less successful

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A new study has suggested that repeat epilepsy surgery aimed at gaining seizure control is likely to be less successful.

The Cleveland Clinic Epilepsy Center in the United States wanted to investigate whether outcomes are improved or not if surgery is attempted again in cases where a person’s first surgery was not deemed a success. The study was the largest to date to investigate this matter.

Autoantibodies in the brain may trigger seizures according to new study

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The presence of autoantibodies in the brain may trigger seizures for some people with epilepsy, according to a new study recently published in the scientific journal, Annals of Neurology.

Autoantibodies are antibodies that mistakenly target a person’s own tissues or organs – unlike “normal” antibodies which target something foreign which may have entered the body.

Brianna Lynch Memorial Cup

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On February 16th past, Epilepsy Ireland attended a very special event in memory of a very special little girl. Here is our report on the day.....

Brianna Lynch Memorial Cup by Paddy McGeoghegan