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Research Request - New EU project wants to learn more about your experiences of employment and education

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A new European wide project is seeking to learn more about the experiences of people with epilepsy in education and employment.

The project is called EpilepsyPOWER and with the information gathered as part of their research, it is aiming to develop tools and training for businesses and higher education institutions to help them better support the inclusion of people with epilepsy.

Epilepsy Ireland to meet Minister for Education on deferred exams eligibility criteria

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Following a meeting with the State Exams Commission in recent weeks, Epilepsy Ireland can confirm that we will also be meeting with the Minister for Education this week to discuss the eligibility criteria for the deferred sitting of the Leaving Cert examinations. This meeting was originally supposed to take place in November but was rescheduled. 

IBE launch virtual art exhibition to coincide with #EpilepsyDay 2023!

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To coincide with International Epilepsy Day, our colleagues in the International Bureau for Epilepsy(IBE) are hosting an online art exhibition centred on the theme of stigma associated with epilepsy.

We know that stigma and misconceptions around epilepsy are still common and can have a negative impact on the lives of those living with the condition – which is why days like International Epilepsy Day are so important in our calendar to help increase understanding and awareness.

Cycle for Shane reach fundraising goal!

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We were delighted to hear that the outstanding team at the Cycle for Shane reached their fundraising goal at the turn of the year – an incredible way to begin 2023 and a huge acknowledgement of their extraordinary efforts in support of Epilepsy Ireland and SUDEP Action last year.

Research Request - Help Validate a core set of outcomes for people living with epilepsy

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Our colleagues in the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement (ICHOM)– an international non-profit organisation that aims to improve global healthcare – is seeking feedback from adults living with epilepsy in Ireland as part of their continuing project on developing a minimum set of outcomes for people living with epilepsy.