Epilepsy Ireland's Community Resource Officers deliver Buccal Midazolam (BM) Rescue Medication Information Sessions for parents and carers in all regions of the country. The programme was designed and developed in conjunction with Quarriers UK and Our Lady’s Childrens’ Hospital Crumlin. Our Community Resource Officer team are trained to deliver this programme.
This service meets a very important need for parents and carers of children with epilepsy. The ability to administer rescue medication to a child who is having a tonic-clonic seizure in order to stop the seizure in a very critical component in keeping a child safe, by reducing the incidence of Status Epilepticus, a state of prolonged seizure. Emergency medications are also an important tool to ensure that the child lives as normal a life as possible.
These sessions can be arranged by contacting your local Community Resource Officer.
We also provide training in Epilepsy Awareness and the administration of Buccal Midazolam to health care professionals, teachers and SNAs. In these professions, it can be common to be caring for or supporting a person with epilepsy and the aim of this training is to ensure that the professionals in attendance develop a greater understanding of epilepsy and know how to correctly administer Buccal Midazolam. Further details on the course content, upcoming events and how to book a training session can be found in the Training section of our website.
Medpac Midi
Given the information services we offer around Buccal Midazolam and the administration of this emergency medication, we do receive queries from parents/carers s on whether there are storage solutions for the medication to make it easily accessible for emergency situations or in situations where a person may be travelling alongside a person with epilepsy.
One such solution is the Medpac Midi, which is a compact pack which can help store Buccal Midazolam, as well as other useful materials and information that could be of benefit to you and the person you are supporting during a seizure.
You can find out more about the Medpac Midi by visiting their website via the button below.