The HSE’s Chronic Disease Management Programme aims to prevent and manage chronic diseases and currently has three qualifying conditions. We believe epilepsy should be included in this programme to help encourage collaboration between patients with epilepsy and their GPs, relieving pressure on stretched specialist services.
Epilepsy is a very common condition, affecting over 45,000 people in Ireland. While some people with epilepsy require specialist care, others do not, but it is still important that they have continued access to health services. The Chronic Disease Management Programme sees GPs proactively review patients in relation to both their long-term health condition and their general health. This proactive approach can help ensure that the patient’s long-term health is monitored and helps screen the patient for other potential health risks. The CDMP contains several specified health conditions that quality for this approach.
In a study conducted by UCC and Epilepsy Ireland, investigating the relationship between people with epilepsy and their GPs, it found that:
- GPs and people with epilepsy described a limited role for GPs in epilepsy care
- There were varying levels of engagement from people with epilepsy and their GP, and vice versa
- Limited epilepsy knowledge was cited as being a challenge for GPs working in family practices
The addition of epilepsy to the CDMP would help improve these attitudes and ultimately relieve pressure on specialist services and lead to better health outcomes for people with epilepsy.
What will Epilepsy Ireland do?
We will advocate that epilepsy be added to the Chronic Disease Management Programme to allow patients with epilepsy who hold a medical card to be seen proactively about their condition every year.
Alignment with World Health Organisation IGAP on epilepsy and other neurological conditions
This campaign aligns with Strategic Objective 5 within this plan, which Ireland has committed to implementing. The strategic objective in full states:
Strengthen the public health approach to epilepsy.
News Updates on this Issue
The below are some of the updates on this matter as it progressed and associated articles in the news section of our website and some associated press coverage where you can read more.