Everything a Child Needs To Know About Epilepsy (Irish Edition)
by Dr. Chinnaiah Yemula & Professor Frank Besag.
The book tells the story of Seamus and Niamh and the journey they have to follow when they are diagnosed with epilepsy. This book is written for school-age children to help them understand more about epilepsy, treatment and lifestyle changes. It is packed with colourful illustrations, fun and humour to engage the interest of young readers. Parents, carers or teachers may find this a useful learning tool when trying to educate children about epilepsy. You can buy a copy of the book by visiting the 'Shop' section of our website.
When Mummy Gets Dizzy and Daddy Falls Down
by Epilepsy Ireland National Information Officer, Geraldine Dunne with illustrations by Philip Elliot
This book for children is designed to support parents with epilepsy when explaining their epilepsy to young children. This poetry and colouring book contains two poems. When Mummy Gets Dizzy is a poem about complex partial seizures while When Daddy Falls Down is a poem about tonic clonic seizures. You can get your copy of the book by contacting our Head Office by calling 014557500 or by emailing info@epilepsy.ie. You can also download a copy of the book at the end of this page.
Sarah Jane has Staring Moments
by Kate Lambert, illustrated by Rebecca Morris.
The book tells the tale of Sarah Jayne Possembury who is 7 years old and has Absence Seizures - the Staring Moments of the title. With the help of her best friend, John, Sarah overcomes her classmate's prejudices and lack of understanding towards her epilepsy. The book shows that through simple communication and understanding, children can be empowered to overcome the obstacles they face. You can buy the book by visiting the 'Amazon' website.