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82% of young people reveal concerns about their epilepsy

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To mark National Epilepsy Week (May 14th – 20th) which begins today, Epilepsy Ireland has announced results of a survey conducted among young people aged 16-21 on their experience of living with the condition.

RCSI enters research agreement to identify genetic targets for childhood epilepsies

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Developing new treatments for childhood epilepsies and neuro-developmental diseases is the aim of a new partnership between RCSI (FutureNeuro, the SFI Research Centre for chronic and rare neurological diseases based at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland) and F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. announced today. The 3-year partnership aims to guide scientists to new gene targets to control some of the devastating childhood epilepsies that do not respond to existing therapies.

FACS Forum appeal for action at health committee

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The FACS Forum spoke today at a health committee on Foetal Anticonvulsant Syndrome.

Karen Keely of OACS Irelandwhose three sons all had birth defects after she took sodium valproate, read out emotional statements on behalf of other Mothers who have been affected by the drug. Many of the families attended the hearing.

Risk of unnatural death greater in people with epilepsy

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People with epilepsy in England and Wales are more likely to die of unnatural causes including suicide and fatal accidents to overdoses, a study has found.

Though the risks of dying unnaturally for people with epilepsy are small in absolute terms (0.3-0.5%), they are greater than in people without epilepsy says Dr Hayley Gorton from The University of Manchester.

Cannabis compound may reduce seizures

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A natural compound found in cannabis may help to prevent the frequency seizures, according to a review in the Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery & Psychiatry.

The evidence to date, however, is confined to the treatment of children and teens whose epilepsy does not respond to conventional drugs, and rare and serious forms of the condition, warn the researchers.

Pharmacy Regulator instructs pharmacists to alert patients to valproate risks

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The Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland has today issued instructions to all pharmacists that they must inform women of child-bearing age of the potential risk of abnormal pregnancy outcomes when supplying sodium valproate (Epilim). This includes providing counselling and including a Package Leaflet and Alert Card with each supply of the drug.

The new directive comes after the European Medicines Agency's recent recommendations on risk minimisation.