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#7ReasonsWhy you should support Epilepsy Ireland this Rose Week

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With Epilepsy Ireland entering the final days of #RoseWeek - our national fundraising week - and as we seek to maximise donations for our work towards a society where no person's life is limited by epilepsy, we have highlighted 7 reasons why you should support our work and make a vital donation. Please have a read and plant a Rose in your home county in support of Epilepsy Ireland.

Plant a virtual Rose for Epilepsy Ireland this #RoseWeek!

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Media Release

Epilepsy Ireland have appealed to the public to support their National Fundraising Week, Rose Week, which takes place from the 11th -17th October.

The charity has experienced a 50% drop in fundraising since the start of the pandemic, alongside an increase in demand for their one-to-one support services for people with epilepsy and their families.

Epilepsy Ireland highlight personal impact of inadequate access to Free Travel with Ministers in advance of #Budget22.

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With the budget taking place this coming Tuesday, Epilepsy Ireland have once again written to Ministers Heather Humphreys, Paschal Donohoe and Michael McGrath regarding our Budget proposals to improve access to Free Travel passes for people with epilepsy.

We believe our proposals are both fair & reasonable – and that Budget 22 represents the perfect opportunity to address this longstanding issue for people with epilepsy and their families.

United Nations to discuss adoption of resolution on Rare Diseases

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Epilepsy Ireland are joining with patient organisations across Ireland to support the #resolutionforrare campaign.

The campaign is being co-ordinated by our colleagues in Rare Diseases Ireland and aims to have Irish delegates of the United Nations to support a resolution addressing the challenges of persons living with rare diseases & their families.

New e-learning module on seizures added to HSeLanD platform

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A new module on seizures has been added to the HSE's eLearning platform HSeLanD.

HSeLanD contains over 200 eLearning programmes that is only available to HSE professionals.

The new module on seizures is very much welcomed and will provide education and awareness on two key aspects of seizure management for healthcare professionals: