WHEN is a good time to tell and where is a good place to bring up the subject? As a guide to weighing-up WHEN is the best time and place to tell, consider:
- Am I comfortable and ready to talk about my epilepsy?
- Will telling benefit me? (does it help ensure my safety, help me manage work/college commitments and help make me feel at ease?)
- When telling informally, are we in a relaxed setting, such as watching TV, chatting in the canteen over lunch or tea breaks?
- Do I need to give an explanation, such as after a seizure or after missing work/studies?
- When telling a child, are they aware I have epilepsy and will they understand?
So you just choose your place and time and I think in a relaxed environment.
You must weigh up the odds before you disclose to someone. Don't be afraid to judge people in the sense of how they might react, because you might know them for a few years, but if you don't think it's going to be any benefit to them finding out, don't tell them, only if it's of benefit to you and them in some way do you disclose you have epilepsy.
I'd be showing trust if I tell. Or kind of it'd be safer 'cos like if I actually had a grand seizure, you know they'll have the safety precautions.
I actually brought it up at a party, like I had been to the doctor the day before and we were at a friend's house and they were just asking me – because they knew that there was something going on.
I think when they [children] become old enough to be aware of situations.
WHO needs to know? As a guide to weighing-up WHO needs to know about your epilepsy, consider:
- How much time do I spend with the person?
- What is the chance of having a seizure in front of them?
- Am I close to this person and do I trust them?
- Am I in a new relationship and feel it's going somewhere?
- Do I want to strengthen my relationship with this person?
- Who do I want to tell at work/college?
If you meet them every day because they get to know about it eventually. Sometimes there might be people that you trust a bit more and you get a feeling they're more reliable, you might kind of mention there's something that I better tell you about.
If I'm after going on a few dates with them, kind of getting closer to somebody, I'll always say it, and I have no problem saying it.
When I was still having seizures I would have obviously clearly felt that when I started in a new job I had to tell.
You don't have to tell a stranger in the street but you do need to tell people you spend a vast amount of time with.
There was one person [in work] in particular I told about it because I have the [rescue medication] in there in case I ever took a seizure, and I told her how to use it.
Watch the Video: When and Who to Tell