Epilepsy Ireland can offer information and support on a range of epilepsy & employment issues.
- For people with epilepsy, disclosing they have the condition to a prospective or current employer can be daunting. The 'How2Tell' section of our website provides information and advice on how to approach disclosure.
- Our team of local Community Resource Officers can provide information regarding on other agencies that can assist people gain employment or provide further information around Employment Equality legislation. You can find your local CRO's details by visiting the 'Our Local Service' section of our website.
- For those not in employment, visit the 'Entitlements & Benefits section of our website which outlines state supports which a person may be entitled to.
Support for employers
We have a specific information resource for employers entitled 'Epilepsy in the Workplace' which is available to read and download on our website, while our team also provide Epilepsy Awareness Training to workplaces across Ireland. This training provides key information on the following:
- What is Epilepsy? A look at the facts concerning the condition as opposed to some of the commonly held misconceptions.
- What is a Seizure? Epilepsy is a condition that is unique to each individual. This section looks at the major classifications of seizures.
- Do's and Don'ts This section looks at the things people should/should not do if they are in a situation where a person has a seizure.
- Professional issues Guidelines on assessing the suitability of a person with epilepsy to undertake specific jobs.
For further details or to arrange Epilepsy Awareness Training for your workplace, please contact Epilepsy Ireland Training & Quality Manager, Edel Curran by emailing training@epilepsy.ie; by getting in touch with your local Community Resource Officer; or by calling our Head Office on 014557500.
If you are an employer, you can find further information by visiting the 'For Employers' section of our website.