In this story shared with us for #EpilepsyDay 2023, Colm Coleman from Louth outlines his journey with epilepsy so far....
The beginning of my journey with epilepsy started when I was 4yrs of age. When I was 4 years old, I used to just look into space and my parents didn’t know why they couldn’t get my attention.
At the time, I was a great fan of “The A-Team" and I had toys of all the characters and the famous black van - I really was a fanatic! I’ll always remember how I had been playing with them all day, and that night, I’d turned over in my bed and had seen them on the floor where I’d finished playing with them.
The next thing I remember was that all the toys were floating above me and that I was twisting and turning. It was a surreal experience and I had no idea what was happening and let out a massive scream.
My parents rushed in and knew something was not right, and I was rushed to hospital. Following investigations, it was found that what I experienced was a seizure and I was diagnosed with epilepsy.
Looking back, primary school was difficult. It was the 80s and the teachers had little to no knowledge of epilepsy. I was missing parts of the work in the class as I was having absence seizures and the teacher thought I was daydreaming. During those years, my seizures started to change and get worse to where I would fall to the floor unconscious and jerk all over. Because of that, I think I spent more time in hospital than I did in school!
Secondary school was quite a positive experience though which I really enjoyed, I completed my Junior Cert but found it was stressful enough so decided not to do my Leaving Cert and left in Transition Year and the school was so amazing that they threw a surprise leaving party for me.
A few years after I left school, I joined a local drama group and we performed plays for the local community, my parents where petrified that I would have a seizure on stage, but I was determined to prove them and everyone else wrong and thankfully I never did and stayed with the group for 15 years.
I moved into my own house when I was 25 and I'm enjoying my independence. I am now 41 and I'm still enjoying my life as best I can. I have some great friends who are so understanding and one that I have been friends with my best friend since I was 3yrs old!
I know that if it wasn’t for my friends and family, I wouldn’t made it this far. I suppose my reason for sharing my story is for others living with epilepsy and to let them know that help and support is there for you within your closest circle – don’t forget that. And to the public, I would say that they can make this circle all the wider for people living with the condition just by taking the time to learn more about epilepsy for #EpilepsyDay!
Thank you Colm for sharing your story and helping to create awareness of epilepsy and increasing understanding. For everyone reading, you can learn more about epilepsy by visiting the 'Epilepsy Information' section of our website - and please ensure you make Time, Safe, Stay part of your general knowledge as part of #EpilepsyDay 2023! Visit the 'International Epilepsy Day 2023' section of our website to do just that!