Young adulthood can be a challenging time for those living with epilepsy. People living with the condition can be facing exams; experiencing increased independence for the first time; starting out in their careers; or building new relationships.
The natural stresses, anxiety, expectations and excitement that this can bring, can have a knock-on effect on a person’s epilepsy. This is why we offer this special online event for Young Adults.
The event allows attendees to meet with others of a similar age who are living with epilepsy and allows them to discuss their epilepsy and any new challenges that they may be experiencing as a result of young adulthood. It also allows attendees to hear from others who are also navigating or have already navigated these challenges and learn from these shared experiences.
The meet-up will be facilitated by our Community Resource Officer Pam O'Brien, who will be on hand to provide general information and support regarding epilepsy. The sessions are designed to be casual, informal affairs and the primary aim is to help connect young people with epilepsy with others living with the condition.
At this special online meet-up, you’ll meet with others of a similar age who are living with epilepsy. You will have an opportunity to discuss how you are getting on with your condition and can discuss any challenges or experiences you may have on various aspects of young adulthood – and hear about and learn from the experiences of others.
If you have any questions about this event, please call Pam on 085 876 6627. Otherwise, see below for further details on this event and how to register.
We look forward to welcoming you to this event and to introducing you to the many other young people with epilepsy from across Ireland who will be in attendance!
This event is for young people with epilepsy aged 18 - 24.
If you are below or above these ages, please search the Events section of our website for our other offerings which may be more suitable.
Thursday 14th March 2024, 19:00 - 20:00.
Online, via Zoom!
To register for this event, please fill out our SurveyMonkey registration form by clicking the button below.
Please email Pam on pobrien@epilepsy.ie with the subject line "Young Adult Meet-Up" if you have any questions. Please note that in order to best facilitate this event, places are limited so do not delay in registering if you feel this event would be of benefit to you.
Please note..
If you need any information or support regarding epilepsy as you progress on your journey with the condition, please do not hesitate to get in touch with your local Community Resource Officer. You can find their details by visiting the 'Our Local Services' section of our website.
This event has been made possible thanks to the RTÉ Toy Show Appeal and the Community Foundation of Ireland.