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Watch the kids of Valleymount National School raise awareness of Epilepsy!

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Finn, Harry & Zach

To mark Purple Day® recently, the RTÉ news2day team visited the children of Valleymount National School to see how they were celebrating the day and raising awareness of epilepsy!

As part of the feature, incredible children were featured talking about epilepsy and their perspectives of the condition. The segment also featured epilepsy warrior Finn and his two brothers, Harry & Zachary – while we also met Eoin, who’s mother lives with epilepsy – and she informs us that Eoin is a great support to her when she experiences a seizure.

The short feature is a brilliant watch – and received a wonderful response on our social media channels. If you didn’t see it at the time we shared it, you can see the feature in full below:


The future is certainly bright when it comes to Epilepsy awareness and we’d like to thank all the staff and students of Valleymount National School for making this feature possible; all the wonderful children featured; and of course, the RTÉ new2day crew for working with us to make the feature possible.

If you’d like to follow the children’s advice and make Time, Safe, Stay part of your general knowledge, visit the ‘Seizure First Aid’ section of our website. While Purple Day® has now passed you can still make a vital donation to help support our work towards a society where no person’s life is limited by epilepsy. Visit the ‘Donate’ section of our website.

About Purple Day®


Purple Day Logo - Globe with purple theme and redirect to

Purple Day® is an international grassroots campaign founded by Canadian woman, Cassidy Megan. The day sees people across the world encouraged to wear purple in the name of epilepsy awareness and well-known buildings across the globe also light up purple in recognition of the estimated 50 million people living with epilepsy across the globe. Purple Day® is a Registered Trademark of The Anita Kaufmann Foundation.

For more on Purple Day®, visit