The HSE are seeking feedback from young people with long-term health conditions and/or their parents/guardians about their experiences of transitioning from paediatric to adult services.
For young people with epilepsy, the transition of moving from child to adult services is an important one as they begin to take more independence in managing their condition. However, this is not without its challenges and sometimes the very nature of moving between two services can be a challenge in itself.
The Clinical Design and Innovation wing of the HSE have commissioned this survey seeking to learn more about people’s experiences of transition, and we are sharing as many young people with epilepsy and their families may be able to provide invaluable feedback. Every response is anonymous and will help shape the design and review and services to potentially improve experiences for young people in the future.
If you are a young person with epilepsy aged between 14-26 or a parent/guardian of a person with epilepsy and would like to share your experience, you can do so via the button below:
Further information on transition can be found by visiting the ‘Teens’ section of our website. If you would like any further support or information on your or your loved one’s journey with epilepsy, please do not hesitate to contact your local Community Resource Officer, please do not hesitate to contact your local Community Resource Officer. You can find their details by visiting the ‘Our Local Service’ section of our website.