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The Great EI Run/Walk/Crawl!! – #RW2020

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The team here at Epilepsy Ireland have been inspired by the efforts of so many over the course of this pandemic and during Rose Week in order to support the work that we do on the behalf of people with epilepsy and their families.

We’ve seen our supporters literally climb mountains, run marathons and as we type this - aim to complete 40,000 push-ups -  in order to raise vital funds for our work.

So, we want to get directly involved as well! To that end, #TeamEI have decided that we will collectively complete the equivalent of not one, not two but THREE marathons (140km with each staff member tasked with completing 10k each)over the course of the October Bank Holiday weekend!

We want to mirror the fantastic efforts that have been undertaken by our supporters and try raise funds for our work over the upcoming bank holiday weekend.

As the title of our article suggests – there is differing levels of fitness amongst the EI team but we are confident that between us all, we will make our target!

Over the course of the October Bank holiday weekend, our team will be sharing pics on our social media channels showing where they are completing their 10k from and asking people to consider donating towards our work.

Don’t worry – we’ll be keeping a close eye on everyone to make sure that they’ve completed the task and will be asking them to track their 10k on their phone or smartwatch!

Also if you’d like to join us “virtually” over the weekend and complete 10k yourself, we’d be more than happy to have you as part of #TeamEI. Just track your walk/run/crawl and share pics with us over the course of the weekend!

If you’d like to support our efforts, please do so by visiting the 'Donate' section of our website. Our posts on Facebook over the weekend will also include a donate button so you can donate there.

Thank for all the support you have given us throughout the pandemic. Remember we are still for you and together, we can achieve a society where no person’s life is limited by epilepsy.