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Epilepsy Ireland seeking participants for ‘Training For Success’ programme based in IT Sligo

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-Epilepsy Ireland seeking participants for ‘Training For Success’ programme based in IT Sligo-

- Course renowned as pathway to further education or workforce for people with epilepsy-

For the 22nd year, Epilepsy Ireland’s renowned ‘Training For Success’ programme based in IT Sligo is seeking participants for the 2020/21 year.

The course is targeted at people with epilepsy whose educational or social development may have been impacted as a result of their condition and aims to equip them with the vital skills required to either enter the workforce or pursue further education.

Course manager Maire Tansey – who has been with the course since its inception in 1998 – explained the basis behind the course commenting, “Epilepsy when it is uncontrolled can be a devastating condition that can impact on many aspects of a person’s life. Although 70% of people who are diagnosed with the condition go on to become seizure-free, due to the individual nature of epilepsy the journey to seizure freedom can be particularly arduous for some. It is these people that ‘Training For Success’ is aimed at.

They may have been having uncontrolled seizures at school which impacted on their educational development and as a knock-on effect, this can lead to difficulties for them socially in general and in entering the workforce which can lead to them having reduced independence.

At Training For Success, we provide a safe environment for these people with epilepsy where they have the opportunity to learn how best to manage their condition alongside others in a similar situation while also learning the vital skills that can help them build confidence, gain their independence and go on to enter the workforce or further education.”

Continuing, Maire likened the country’s recent lockdown experience as something that many of these people with epilepsy have experienced for years explaining, “As a country we are now exiting a situation where we all felt somewhat powerless – we could not go to work, we could not go to college and we were socially isolated. This is an experience that would not be new to the people with epilepsy we aim to support and as we emerge from lockdown and get back to normal, many people with epilepsy will remain in this situation because of the impact the condition has had on their lives.

Over my twenty years working with ‘Training For Success’, it is a privilege to look back and see how much previous participants have grown from when they first entered the course and to look at where they are now - with 85% of those who have completed the course, going on to further education or employment. Friendships forged on the course continue to this day and previous students are often in touch to let us know how they are getting on and what they are up to.

I would urge anyone to please get in touch if you feel this course may be of benefit to you or to someone you may know.  There are 40,000 people with epilepsy in Ireland today so it is possible there is someone within your family, friends or community who would benefit tenfold from completing this one year programme. We’d love to hear from you and please do not hesitate to get in touch with me to discuss your eligibility or any questions you might have by contacting”

For further information on Training For Success, vist the 'Training for Success' section of our website.